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  • Zibechi, Raúl,

Zibechi, Raúl, 1952- (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Zibechi, Raúl, 1952-

Los arroyos cuando bajan, 1996: t.p. (Raúl Zibechi) front flap (b. Jan. 25, 1952 in Montevideo; print and radio journalist)

América Latina : contrainsurgencia y pobreza, 2010: title page, etc. (Raúl Zibechi; published by Ediciones Desde Abajo in Bogotá; work is about social movements in Latin America)

In Motion magazine, January 29, 2020: posted May 22, 2015 (Raúl Zibechi; columnist and international analyst for Brecha in Montevideo, Uruguay and La Jornada in Mexico City; author of many books including The new Brazil : regional imperialism and the new democracy; Territories in resistance : a cartography of Latin American social movements; and Dispersing power : social movements as anti-state forces; professor formerly affiliated with the Multiversidad Franciscana de America Latina; interview was conducted on October 10, 2014 in Montevideo, Uruguay)

Acta (journal of the Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA)), January 29, 2020: interview with the author posted April 15, 2014 (Raúl Zibechi; born January 25, 1952 in Montevideo; writer; Uruguayan activist; specialist in social movements in Latin America; affiliated with the Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario (FER) (1969-1973; student group affiliated with the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional Tupamaros); moved to Buenos Aires in 1975 because of the military dictatorship in Uruguay; moved to Madrid, Spain in 1976 because of the military dictatorship in Argentina; spent over 10 years involved with the Movimiento Comunista de España; after returning to Uruguay began writing for the weekly publication Brecha; worked for the ecological journal Tierra Amiga (1994-1995))

Brasil, 2013: title page (Raúl Zibechi) page 16, etc. (introduction signed by author in Montevideo in March 2012; bibliography has Brecha (Montevideo; 2000-2011) as a source)