- Rodriguez, Sixto
Rodriguez, Sixto (Nombre personal)
- Rodriguez, 1942-2023
- Diaz Rodriguez, Sixto
- Rod Riguez
- Riguez, Rod
- Rodriguez, Jesus, 1942-2023
Cold fact [SR] 1970: label (Sixto Rodriguez, vocals)
Cold fact [SR] p2008: label (Rodriguez) insert (b. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez; b. July 10, 1942, Michigan; debut recording in 1967 issued under name Rod Riguez)
All music guide WWW site, Mar. 30, 2009 (Rodriguez; b. Sixto Rodriguez, b. July 10, 1942, Detroit, MI)
Wikipedia, Mar. 30, 2009 (Sixto Diaz Rodriguez (also known as Rodriguez or as Jesus Rodriguez, Rod Riguez); b. July 10, 1942, Detroit, Mich.; named Sixto because he was the sixth child in his family; American folk musician)
Wikipedia, May 16, 2014 (Sixto Diaz Rodriguez (also known as just Rodríguez or as Jesús Rodríguez); born July 10, 1942 in Detroit, Michigan; musician. His career initially proved short lived, with two little-sold albums in the early 1970s and two Australian concert tours. Unknown to him, however, his work became extremely successful and influential in South Africa, and continued to retain a loyal following in Australia. In 2012, the Sundance Film Festival hosted the premiere of the documentary film Searching for Sugar Man, by Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul, detailing the efforts of two South African fans to see if his rumored death was true and if not, to discover what had become of him. The film won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 85th Academy Awards in 2013)
Washington post WWW site, viewed August 10, 2023 (in obituary dated August 9, 2023: Rodriguez, a Detroit singer-songwriter who dropped out of the music scene in the early 1970s after recording a pair of folk-rock albums that hardly sold any copies, only to discover decades later that he had become a music legend in South Africa, died Aug. 8, at home in Detroit. He was 81. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez,was born in Detroit on July 10, 1942)