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  • Kandinsky, Vasili,

Kandinsky, Vasili, 1866-1944 (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Kandinsky, Vasili, 1866-1944
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Kandinski, Vasilij, 1866-1944
  • Kandinskiĭ, Vasiliĭ, 1866-1944
  • Кандинский, Василий, 1866-1944
  • Kandinskiĭ, Vasiliĭ Vasilʹevich, 1866-1944
  • Кандинский, Василий Васильевич, 1866-1944
  • Kandinskiĭ, V. V. (Vasiliĭ Vasilʹevich), 1866-1944
  • Кандинский, В. В. (Василий Васильевич), 1866-1944
  • Kandinskij, Vasilij Vasil'evič, 1866-1944
  • Kandinsky, 1866-1944
  • Kandinsky, Basile W., 1866-1944
  • Kandinsky, Wassili, 1866-1944
  • Kandinsky, Wassily Wassilyevich, 1866-1944
  • Kangdingsiji, 1866-1944
  • Kʻang-ting-ssu-chi, 1866-1944
  • 康定斯基, 1866-1944
  • Kangdingsiji,, Waxili, 1866-1944
  • Kʻang-ting-ssu-chi, Wa-hsi-li, 1866-1944
  • 康定斯基, 瓦西里, 1866-1944
  • קנדינסקי, וסילי, 1866־1944

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

The art of spiritual harmony ... 1914.

Kandinsky in Paris, 1934-1944, 1985: CIP galley (Vasily Kandinsky)

Kandinsky, 1984: t.p. (Kandinsky; Vassily Kandinsky) p. 12 (b. 12-4-1866, or 11-22-1866 according to the old calendar, in Moscow) p. 13 (d. 12-13-1944 in Neuilly, France)

Qing gan yu fu hao, 1989: t.p. (康定斯基 = Kangdingsiji [Wade-Giles: Kʻang-ting-ssu-chi]) plates (瓦西里·康定斯基 = Waxili Kangdingsiji [Wade-Giles: Wa-hsi-li Kʻang-ting-ssu-chi]; also Wassily Kandinsky [in rom.])

Il lavoro dell'uomo nella pittura da Goya a Kandinskij, 1991: t.p. (Kandinskij) p. 320 (Vasilij Vasil'evič Kandinskij)

Wassili Kandinsky, 1993

Vassili Kandinski, 1985.

Dans la valise de Kandinsky, 2007: p. 47 (Basile W. Kandinsky)

Wikipedia, June 25, 2013 (Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky; Russian: Васи́лий Васи́льевич Канди́нский, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Kandinskiy; born 16 December [O.S. 4 December] 1866 in Moscow; died 13 December 1944 in Neuilly-sur-Seine; Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting the first purely abstract works. He studied law and economics at the University of Moscow and was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat before he began painting studies at the age of 30. In 1896 Kandinsky settled in Munich; he returned to Moscow in 1914, and returned to Germany in 1921. There, he taught at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture from 1922 until the Nazis closed it in 1933. He then moved to France where he lived for the rest of his life, becoming a French citizen in 1939 and producing some of his most prominent art)

Sokolov, Boris. Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ, 2016: title page (Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ)

Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ, 2016: t.p. (Василий Кандинский = Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ) title page verso (В.В. Кандинский = V.V. Kandinskiĭ) page 34 (born in Moscow, 22 November (4 December) 1866) page 51-54 (moved to Germany in 1921; taught in Weimar, Dessau, and Berlin, published in Munich; became a German citizen in 1928; relocated to France, settling in Neuilly-sur-Seine, near Paris, in 1933; died 13 December 1944, in Neuilly-sur-Seine)