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  • Parrini Roses, Rodrigo

Parrini Roses, Rodrigo (Nombre personal)

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  • Roses, Rodrigo Parrini

Panópticos y laberintos, 2007: t.p. (Rodrigo Parrini Roses)

Los padres adolescentes/jóvenes, 1999: t.p. (Rodrigo Parrini)

La memoria y el deseo, 2014: t.p. (Rodrigo Parrini Roses) cover (Rodrigo Parrini) p. 317 (psychologist and anthropologist; prof.-researcher in the Dpto. de Educación y Comunicación of the Univ. Aut. Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco; for 8 years he has been conducting an ethnographic investigation in a city on the Mexican-Guatemalan border (Tenosique) on the links between globalization and the construction of non-hegemonic sexual identities; author of articles in the field of gender studies, sexuality and subjectivity)

Colegio de San Luis WWW site, viewed Apr. 29, 2016 (in announcement of lecture to be delivered Nov. 25, 2011 Dr. Rodrigo Parrini Roses; Rodrigo Parrini; doctorate in anthropological sciences from UAM-Iztapalapa, psychology degree from Univ. de Chile and master's in gender studies from El Colegio de México; lists publications in Spanish and English including Panópticos y laberintos and Los padres adolescentes)