- López, Miguel A.,
López, Miguel A., 1983- (Nombre personal)
- López López, Miguel Ángel, 1983-
- López, Miguel Ángel López, 1983-
¿Y qué si la democracia ocurre?, 2012: title page (Miguel A. López y Eliana Otta, eds) page 157 (born Lima, 1983; writer, researcher and curator; has published articles in books and reviews; has curated exhibitions on Peruvian and Latin American art; member Red Conceptualismos del Sur, a collective platform of discussion about art and political memory)
Center for Curatorial Leadership, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) program, International Curatorial Institute for Modern and Contemporary Art website, December 21, 2021: posted 2018 (Miguel A. López; member of the 2018 program; co-director and chief curator of TEOR/éTica (San José, Costa Rica); writer; researcher; his work investigates collaborative dynamics and transformations in the understanding of and engagement with politics in Latin America in recent decades and also focuses on queer re-articulations of history from a South American perspective; he has published in periodicals such as Afterall, ramona, Manifesta Journal, e-flux Journal, Art in America, Art Journal, and The Exhibitionist; his recent books as author and editor include Robar la historia. Contrarrelatos y prácticas artísticas de oposición (Metales Pesados, 2017), The words of others : León Ferrari and rhetoric in times of war (with Ruth Estévez and Agustín Diez Fischer, REDCAT and JRP-Ringier, 2017), Agítese antes de usar : desplazamientos educativos, sociales y artísticos en América Latina (with Renata Cervetto, MALBA and TEOR/éTica, 2016), Alianças de corpos vulneráveis/Alliances of vulnerable bodies (SESC and Videobrasil, 2015); The obscene death : Sergio Zevallos: drawings, 1982-1987 (AMIL, 2015), and A wandering body : Sergio Zevallos in the Grupo Chaclacayo, 1982-1994 (MALI, 2014); he has recently curated Social energies/Vital forces : Natalia Iguiñiz : art, activism, feminism (1994-2018) (ICPNA, Lima (2018)), Balance and collapse, Patricia Belli : works 1986-2016 (TEOR/éTica and Fundación Ortiz Gurdian, San José and Managua (2016/2017)), Teresa Burga : estructuras de aire (with Agustín Pérez Rubio) (MALBA, Buenos Aires (2015)) and the project God is Queer for the 31 Bienal de São Paulo (2014); co-founder of the independent art space Bisagra, active in Lima, Peru, since 2014) https://www.curatorialleadership.org/participants/moma-program/miguel-lopez/
TEOR/éTica website, December 21, 2021: posted January 5, 2021 (Miguel A. López; has worked with TEOR/éTica since May 2015; announcement of his leaving the organization) https://teoretica.org/2021/01/05/teor-etica-anuncia-la-partida-de-miguel-a-lopez/?lang=en
La República (news) (Peru) website, December 21, 2021: posted February 3, 2021 (Miguel Ángel López López; Miguel A. López; art curator; DNI: 42363069; has been the curator of exhibitions at the Museo de Arte de Lima MALI, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Lima, Peru) MAC-Lima, the Museo de la Nación, the Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano ICPNA, the Centro Cultural de España, and the Sala Miró Quesada; his picture is the same as his picture on the Center for Curatorial Leadership and the TEOR/éTica websites) https://larepublica.pe/cultural/2021/02/04/miguel-angel-lopez-lopez-responde-a-acusaciones-en-caso-del-concurso-bicentenario-el-mincul/