- Bak Geler, David
Bak Geler, David (Nombre personal)
- Corona, David Bak Geler
- Cabecera anterior: Geler Corona, David Bak
- Geler, David Bak
- Bak Geler Corona, David
- Bak Geller, David
- Geller, David Bak
Conceptos políticos, 2018: title page (David Bak Geler Corona)
Reparto de máscaras, septiembre de 2022: t.p. (David Bak Geler)
Editorial Univ. de Guadalajara WWW site, viewed September 14, 2023 (David Janos Bak Geler Corona; master's in philosophy from Univ. Nac. Aut. de México; doctorate in philosophy from New School for Social Research; his interests revolve around modern and contemporary political philosophy, in particular ordinary-language philosophy, pragmatism and the theory of radical democracy; member of the Depto. de Estudios Políticos, Univ. de Guadalajara)
New School Libraries OPAC, September 14, 2023 (access point: Bak Geler, David)
Horizontalidad, octubre de 2020, via WWW, viewed September 14, 2023: p. 317 (in alphabetically arranged list of authors, under B: David Bak Geler)
Facebook, via WWW, viewed September 14, 2023 (David Bak Geller)