- Corner, John,
Corner, John, 1943- (Nombre personal)
Cannot identify with author (n85-357987) of Pictographs (Indian Rock paintings) in the interior of British Columbia.
Enterprise and heritage, 1991: CIP t.p.(John Corner) data sheet (b. 3-27-43) pub. info. (lecturer, Dept. of Communication Studies, Univ. of Liverpool)
Political culture and media genre, 2013: ECIP t.p. (John Corner) data view (b. 3/27/1943; Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
The international encyclopedia of political communication, 2016: page xii (John Corner, University of Leeds, UK)
University of Leeds web site, June 5, 2019: (Professor John Corner, Visiting Professor, J.R.Corner@leeds.ac.uk ; I worked in radio communications in the Royal Navy for several years, and then briefly as a journalist, before becoming a mature student (at Ruskin College in Oxford and then at Cambridge) and pursuing research into public communication. Much of my career has been spent teaching and researching at Liverpool University, where I finally headed the School of Politics and Communication Studies ; My research interests are political communication, documentary film and television, media history and media and cultural theory) https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/media/staff/242/professor-john-corner