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  • Whitman, Walt,

Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892 (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Ouïtman, Ouōlt, 1819-1892
  • Uitman, Uolʹt, 1819-1892
  • Uitmen, Uot, 1819-1892
  • Uitmen, Uolt, 1819-1892
  • Viṭman̲, Vālṭ, 1819-1892
  • Vālṭ Viṭman̲, 1819-1892
  • Witʻŭmŏn, 1819-1892
  • Ṿiṭman, Ṿolṭ, 1819-1892
  • Vālṭviṭman̲, 1819-1892
  • Waltvitmen, 1819-1892
  • Whitman, Walter, 1819-1892
  • Huiteman, 1819-1892
  • Veeitman, 1819-1892
  • Уитмен, Уолт, 1819-1892
  • ויטמן, וולט, 1819-1892
  • װיטמאן, װאלט, 1819-1892
  • ويتمن، والت، 1819-1892
  • Vitmen, Volt, 1819-1892
  • Uitman, Uollt, 1819-1892
  • Huiteman, Huate, 1819-1892
  • 華特·惠特曼, 1819-1892
  • Velsor, Mose, 1819-1892

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

The patriotic poems of Walt Whitman, 1918.

Venediktova, T. D. Poėzii︠a︡ Uolta Uitmena, 1982 (subj.) p. 3 (Uolt Uitmen)

Paramēsvaran̲, Pā. Pāratitācan̲, Vālṭ Viṭman̲ iruperum puraṭcik kaviñarkaḷ, 1987.

Kim, Y.H. Han Yong-un kwa Witʻŭmŏn ŭi munhak sasang, 1988: t.p. (Witʻŭmŏn)

His ʻAle ʻeśev, 1984: t.p. (Ṿolṭ Ṿiṭman) t.p. verso (Walt Whitman [in rom.])

Vālṭviṭman̲um Kaṇṇatācan̲um, 2000: t.p. verso (Waltvitmen)

Leaves of grass, 1855: copr. (Walter Whitman)

Ebesu̇ nabci-yin tegu̇bu̇ri, 1986: colophons (Veiitman; Huiteman)

Concise dict. of American literary biography, in Biography Resource Center, Galenet, Oct. 26, 2006 (Walt Whitman; also known as Walter Whitman; b. May 31, 1819, West Hills, Long Island, N.Y., d. Mar. 26, 1892, Camden, N.J.; American poet and essayist)

Vlati trave, 1985: t.p. (Volt Vitmen)

Fije bari, 1971: t.p. (Uollt Uitman)

Pīonery, 1918: covers (Uot Uitman)

Wikipedia, November 22, 2018 (Walt Whitman; Walter "Walt" Whitman (May 31, 1819-March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist, and journalist; born in Huntington on Long Island; born West Hills, New York; died Camden, New Jersey)

Norton, R. Walt Whitman, prophet of gay liberation, via Gay history & literature website, 18 November 1999, updated 20 June 2008, viewed on November 21, 2018 (Walt Whitman; born in Long Island, New York, in 1819; in 1925 the original hand-written manuscript of his best-known "heterosexual" love poem, Once I Pass'd Through A Populous City, was discovered, and it revealed that Whitman had reversed the sex of the beloved in order to make it presentable for publication. Such a subterfuge of course suggests that Whitman, far from being an innocent, was aware of the "queer" nature of his passions; it seems likely that this records Whitman's first homosexual experience, that he did not quite understand it though he was not repulsed by it, and that he ran away to avoid its full implication, and perhaps to avoid a scandal; in the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass he had not yet ripped open his own closet door to celebrate his basic message, gay love. Sometime in 1858 or 1859 he experienced his second love affair, this time with a man one of whose initials is "M" (Whitman often censored his own notebooks, leaving just the bare obscurities). This affair aparently involved a completely frank acceptance of himself as homosexual; Because Whitman is part of the canon of American literature taught in the classrooms, there is still much resistance to labelling him gay, despite some fairly well documented evidence)

Cao ye ji, 2017: title page

Whitman on wellness, 2023: CIP t.p. (Walt Whitman/Mose Velsor) CIP galley ("Manly Health and Training with Off-Hand Hints Toward their Conditions," a series of articles written by Whitman in 1858 under the moniker Mose Velsor, was discovered on 2016)