- Carroll, Lewis,
Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 (Nombre personal)
- Karol, Luis, 1832-1898
- Керол, Люис, 1832-1898
- Kerol, Li︠u︡is, 1832-1898
- Кэрролл, Льюис, 1832-1898
- Kėrroll, Lʹi︠u︡is, 1832-1898
- Karrolʹ, L., 1832-1898
- Oxford chiel, 1832-1898
- Кэрролл, Л. (Люис), 1832-1898
- Kėrroll, L. (Li︠u︡is), 1832-1898
- Caroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
- Kerōl, Lūyī, 1832-1898
- Karōl, Lūyi, 1832-1898
- Kāral, Lūyis, 1832-1898
- קרול, לואיס
- קרול, לואיס, 1832-1898
- קרול, ל.
- Ḳerol, Luʼis, 1832-1898
- Keroli, Luis, 1832-1898
- Kerols, Luiss, 1832-1898
- Carroll, Ludovici, 1832-1898
- Luyishi Kaluo, 1832-1898
- 路易士·卡洛, 1832-1898
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Hunter of the snark, 1903.
Cohen, M.N. Lewis Carroll and Alice, 1832-1982, 1982: t.p. (Lewis Carroll) verso t.p. and text (C.L. Dodgson)
Zakhoder, B. V. Prikli︠u︡chenii︠a︡ Alisy v strane chudes, 1977: t.p. (L. Kėrroll)
LCCN 45-41859: His Euclid and his modern rivals, 1879 (hdg.: Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898; usage: Charles L. Dodgson)
Hiller, W. Die Jagd nach dem Schlarg, c1988: t.p. (Lewis Caroll) 3rd prelim. p. (Lewis Carroll)
New belfry of Christ Church, Oxford, 1872: t.p. (D.C.L.)
Allībillilōkaṃlō ammāyikatha, 1951: t.p. (Lūyī Kerōl)
Ālisin̲ ar̲puta ulakam, 2004: t.p. (Lūyi Karōl)
SILAS, Sept. 18, 2006 (hdg.: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898; usage: Lūyis Kāral)
Wikipedia, Sept. 28, 2007 (Lewis Carroll; Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Jan. 27, 1832-Jan. 14, 1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican clergyman and photographer)
Alisa v zemlji čuda, 1981: t.p. (Луис Керол = Luis Kerol)
Alisa saocʻar kʻveqanaši, 1969: t.p. (Luis Keroli) Russian colophon (Lʹi︠u︡is Kėrroll))
Alise aizspogulijā, 1981: t.p. (Luiss Kerols)
Alicia in Terra mirabili, 1964: t.p. (Ludovici Carroll)
Ailisi meng you ji, 2007: title page (路易士·卡洛 = Luyishi Kaluo [chi rom.])
Wikipedia, Nov. 12, 2012 (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, born in Daresbury, Cheshire, England and died in Guildford, Surrey, England; best known for his Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking-glass; attended Christ Church, Oxford, studying Mathematics, and teaching, and he remained at Christ Church, even after his teaching career concluded, until his death; published his children's fiction under the name Lewis Carroll, and published his nonfiction writings under the name Charles Dodgson)
LAC internal file, June 17, 2019 (access point: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898)
ʻAlisah be-erets ha-pelaʼot, 1989: title page (לואיס קרול = Luʼis Ḳerol)