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  • Ceballos Pérez, Sergio Gabriel

Ceballos Pérez, Sergio Gabriel (Nombre personal)

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  • Pérez, Sergio Gabriel Ceballos
  • Ceballos, Sergio (Sergio Gabriel Ceballos Pérez)
  • Ceballos Pérez, Sergio
  • Pérez, Sergio Ceballos

Experiencias y expectativas de la bioeconomía, 2022: title page (Sergio Gabriel Ceballos Pérez) spine (Sergio Ceballos Pérez) p. 7, etc. (Sergio Ceballos; licentiate in planning for agricultural development, master's and doctorate in economics from Univ. Nac. Aut. de México; researcher for Mexico commissioned to the Colegio de Postgraduados; his line of research deals with circular economy and bioeconomics; works on national and international projects on environment, environmental policies and sustainability)