- Lia la Novia Sirena
Lia la Novia Sirena (Nombre personal)
- García, Lía
- Sirena, Lia la Novia
Lia la Novia Sirena. "El cubreboquitas azul" que no quería tapar boquitas, 2021 : Title page (Lia la Novia Sirena)
Elsewhere, WWW page, June 23, 2023 : Lía García "La Novia Sirena" (Born in Mexico in 1989, poet and performance artist whose performances reflect the lives of trans women ; Lia was a Southern Constellations Fellow in 2017 at Elsewhere in Greensboro, N.C. and returned for a special residency there in 2021) ) https://www.elsewheremuseum.org/people/liagarcia
Wikipedia WWW page, June 23, 2023 : Lia Garcia (La Novia Sirena) (is a trans woman born in Mexico City, January 24, 1989 ; a performer, artist, educator, feminist, activist and defender of the human rights of Mexican transgender people. La Novia Sirena uses a pedagogical approach to her performances she calls "affective encounters." She studied artistic pedagogy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and later worked there in the University Program for Gender Studies. She co-founded Red de Juventudes Trans México) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%ADa_Garc%C3%ADa