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- Clément, Gilles
Clément, Gilles (Nombre personal)
Le jardin romantique de George Sand, c1995: t.p. (Gilles Clément)
Gilles Clément, une école buissonnière, c1997.
BnF Web OPAC, Oct. 7, 2010 (Clément, Gilles (1943-....); b. Oct. 6, 1943;ingénieur agronome, jardinier, paysagiste, botaniste, entomologiste; enseignant à l'École supérieure du paysage de Versailles; romancier, essayiste)
The planetary garden and other writings, 2015: ECIP galley (Gilles Clément; French landscape architect, botanist, entomologist, garden designer of public parks in France; outspoken ecologist, promotes a "humanist ecology")
Wikipedia WWW site, February 24, 2015: (Gilles Clement, born in 1943 at Argenton-sur-Creuse, Indre)