- Adams, David,
Adams, David, 1939- (Nombre personal)
His Psychology for peace activists, 1987: t.p. (David Adams) cover, etc. (b. in Missouri in 1939; educated at Columbia & Yale universities; trained for career in physiol. psychol.; peace activist; pres., Conn. Assoc. for Amer.-Soviet Friendship; lives in Short Beach, near New Haven, Conn.; prof. of psychol., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, CT)
LC data base, 7/21/87 (hdg.: Adams, David, 1939- )
Curriculum Vitae: (David Adams;David Adams was born May 13, 1939. He is a professor of Psychology and a peace activist. He helped organize the Seville Statement on Violence (1986) and helped UNESCO develop its Culture of Peace Programme (1993-2001). Adams co-founded the Ethics Committee of Behavior Genetics Association and the Ethics Committee of International Society for Research on Aggression. He served as the president of the Connecticut Association for American-Soviet Friendship. He was a co-founder of the People's Peace Appeal and Connecticut Labor for Peace. He served on the Steering Committee of New Haven SANE-FREEZE and was a Coordinating Committee Member of the Psychologists for Social Responsibility.) http://culture-of-peace.info/vita/vita.html