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  • Marcos, Sylvia

Marcos, Sylvia (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Marcos, Sylvia

Encuentro Internac. de Alt. a la Psiq. (4th : 1978 : Cuernavaca, Mex.). Antipsiquiatría y política, 1980, c1979 (a.e.) t.p. (Sylvia Marcos)

Dialogue and differences, 2005: CIP t.p. (Sylvia Marcos) data sheet (b. 08-03-38) galley ("internationally recognized scholar and activist who has been working with indigenous women's movements in her native Mexico and beyond"; last book in English is Gender/bodies/religions (2000) and in Spanish, Religión y género, the 3rd v. of [the series] Enciclopedia iberoamericana de religiones (2004))