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  • Niʻmah, Mājid

Niʻmah, Mājid (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Niʻmah, Mājid
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Mājid Niʻmah
  • Neme, Maged
  • Maged Neme
  • Nehme, M.
  • نعمة، ماجد
  • نعمه، ماجد
  • Nehmé, Majed
  • Nehmé, Madjed

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

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Kayyālī, M. Miʼat kitāb ʻan Ḥarb Uktūbir, 1976 (a.e.) t.p. (Mājid Niʻmah) added t.p. (Maged Neme)

Mawsūʻat al-siyāsah, 1979- : v. 3, t.p. (Mājid Niʻmah) add. t.p. (M. Nehme)

Centre International de Géopolitique & de Prospective Analytique WWW site, April 7, 2017 (Majed Nehmé; born in 1947 in Damascus, Syria; education at l'Ecole supérieures de Lettres à Beyrouth and l'Université Lyon3; editor of the magazine Afrique-Asie; author of numerous titles in Arabic)

Bensaada, Ahmed. Arabesque$, ©2016: title page (Madjed Nehmé) page 24 (Majed Nehmé, Directeur du magazine Afrique Asie)