- Barrera Velázquez, Jazmina,
Barrera Velázquez, Jazmina, 1988- (Nombre personal)
- Velázquez, Jazmina Barrera, 1988-
- Cabecera anterior: Barrera, Jazmina
- Barrera Velázquez, María Jazmina
Barrera Velázquez, Jazmina. Cuerpo extraño, 2013: title page (Jazmina Barrera Velázquez)
Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México WWW site, March 26, 2014 (Jazmina Barrera Velázquez; b. 1988 in Mexico City) viewed Sept. 14, 2020 (Jazmina Barrera; (María) Jazmina Barrera (Velázquez); Mexican writer; licentiate in modern English literatures from Univ, Nac. Aut. de México; master's in creative writing in Spanish from New York Univ.)
Arquitectura expuesta, [2017]: p. 310 (translation, Jazmina Barrera)
LALT, Latin American Literature Today, WWW site, Sept. 11, 2020 (Jazmina Barrera; born in Mexico City in 1988; she was a member of the academic committee of the department of Modern Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of UNAM and has worked as a translator and editor for various print and digital media, including Ediciones Era, La Tempestad, El Nuevo Mexicano, Tierra Adentro, and Letras Libres; won the Latin American Voices prize from Literal Publishing in 2013 for her essay "Cuerpo extraño")
Indent Literary Agency WWW site, Sept. 11, 2020 (Jazmina Barrera; born in Mexico City in 1988; was a fellow at the Foundation for Mexican Letters; author of "Cuerpo extraño" and "Cuaderno des faros"; editor and co-founder of Ediciones Antílope; Master's Degree in Creative Writing in Spanish from New York University; lives in Mexico City)