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  • Serrat Crespo, Manuel

Serrat Crespo, Manuel (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Serrat Crespo, Manuel
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Crespo, Manuel Serrat
  • Serrat, Manuel

nuc88-77984: His Anna, o, la venjança, 1984 (hdg. on TxU rept.: Serrat Crespo, Manuel; usage: Manuel Serrat Crespo)

El faraón negro, c1999: t.p. (Manuel Serrat) copyr. (Manuel Serrat Crespo)

Wikipedia, Spanish version, March 2, 2018 (Manuel Serrat Crespo; born Barcelona, 1942; died Barcelona, 30 August 2014; Spanish editor, novelist, dramatist and translator; translator from French to Spanish; often collaborated with the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Departamento de Filología Francesa y Románica; director of the journal Assaig de Teatre; member, Conseil Européen des Associations des Traducteurs Littéraires, and of the Asociación Colegial de Escritores de Cataluña (ACEC))