- Chamoiseau, Patrick
Chamoiseau, Patrick (Nombre personal)
- Abel, 1953-
Chronique des sept misères, c1986: title page (Patrick Chamoiseau) page 4 of cover (b. Fort-de-France, Martinique; teaches in Paris region)
Solibo magnifique, c1988: title page (Patrick Chamoiseau) page 4 of cover (b. 1953)
Internet, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Dec. 14, 2009 (hdg.: Chamoiseau, Patrick, 1953- ; Romancier et dramaturge, dessinateur sous le pseudonyme "Abel")
Le retour de Monsieur Coutcha, 1984: title page (dessins de Abel)
Wikipedia, Feb. 25, 2015 (Patrick Chamoiseau (b. Dec. 3, 1953, in Fort-de-France, Martinique, where he currently resides) is a French author known for his work in the créolité movement; novelist, essayist, dramatist, screenplay writer, also cartoonist under the pseudonym Abel; his novel Texaco was awarded the Prix Goncourt in 1992, and was chosen as a New York Times Notable Book of the Year) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Chamoiseau
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, Second Edition, accessed via The Oxford African American Studies Center online database, July 27, 2014: (Chamoiseau, Patrick; fiction writer, essayist; born 1953 in Fort-de-France, Martinique; studied law in Paris before becoming a writer; his novel Texaco (1992) won the prestigious Prix Goncourt; he has also written autobiographical narratives)