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- Alemán, Jorge
Alemán, Jorge (Nombre personal)
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- Alemán Lavigne, Jorge
- Lavigne, Jorge Alemán
Lacan, Heidegger, c1998: t.p. (Jorge Alemán)
No saber, c2008: t.p. (Jorge Alemán) front cover flap (b. 1951, Buenos Aires; resides in Spain since 1976)
El inconsciente, 2001: t.p. (Jorge Alemán Lavigne)
Horizontes neoliberales de la subjetividad, 2016: title page (Jorge Alemán)
Wikipedia, viewed Feb. 27, 2018 (Jorge Alemán Lavigne (born in Buenos Aires, March 30, 1951) is a psychoanalyst and writer of Argentine origin. In 1976, he emigrated to Spain; presently lives in Madrid. He has published numerous books on a theory that unites psychoanalysis, philosophy and politics; also an author of books of poetry. He is an honorary professor at the University of Buenos Aires and a professor of the Nuevo Centro de Estudios Psicoanaliticos)