- Alarcón, Daniel,
Alarcón, Daniel, 1977- (Nombre personal)
Alarcón, Daniel. War by candlelight, 2005: CIP t.p. (Daniel Alarcón)
Email from publisher, Apr. 15, 2004 (Daniel Alarcón; born March 5, 1977; this is his first book)
Radio ciudad perdida, 2007: front flap (born 1977 in Lima and raised in the United States; currently lives in Oakland, California)
Columbia University website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; Daniel G. Alarcon; born in Lima, Peru in 1977; his family moved to a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama when he was a toddler because his parents were physicians who joined the faculty of the University of Alabama; bachelor's in anthropology, Columbia University (1999); master's in creative writing, University of Iowa (2004); investigative reporting fellow of the University of California Berkeley's Graduate Journalism School (2012-2013); named a MacArthur Fellow in 2021; short story author; novelist; professor affiliated with the School of Journalism; journalist who founded Radio Ambulante; wife is Carolina Guerrero (originally from Colombia); has links to his Twitter page and the Radio Ambulante website; dga5@columbia.edu; author of Guerra en la penumbra (2005), Radio ciudad perdida (2007), War by candlelight (2005), and Lost city radio (2007)) https://journalism.columbia.edu/faculty/daniel-alarc%C3%B3n https://provost.columbia.edu/news/faculty-reflections-daniel-alarcon https://magazine.columbia.edu/article/daniel-alarcon-tells-stories-without-borders https://globalcenters.columbia.edu/events/catedra-abierta-en-homenaje-roberto-bolano-radio-ambulante-como-narrar-un-continente-o-morir https://ilas.columbia.edu/content/journalism
Radio Ambulante website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; executive producer; covers Latin America for The New Yorker; author of four works of fiction including The king Is always above the people; currently a professor of journalism at Columbia University; contacto@radioambulante.org) https://radioambulante.org/sobre-nosotros#staff
Author's Twitter page, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón) https://twitter.com/DanielGAlarcon
MacArthur Foundation website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; writer; radio producer; author of the novels Lost city radio (2007) and At night we walk in circles (2013) and the work of short stories The king Is always above the people (2017); co-founded the Spanish-language podcast Radio Ambulante (2012); editorial director of the Spanish weekly news podcast El hilo (https://elhilo.audio/); he joined the faculty of Columbia University in 2014) https://www.macfound.org/fellows/class-of-2021/daniel-alarcon#searchresults
El Hilo website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; editorial director) https://elhilo.audio/sobre-nosotros/
Babbel Magazine website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; Peruvian-American novelist; translated The book of Emma Reyes from Spanish; author of Lost city radio and The king Is always above the people; host of the podcast Radio Ambulante; wife is Carolina Guerrero and has a link to their interview with her) https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/the-book-of-emma-reyes https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/interview-with-ceo-of-radio-ambulante
The king Is always above the people, 2017: title page (Daniel Alarcón) table of contents (chapters include The ballad of Rocky Rontal and República and Grau) https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_King_is_Always_Above_the_People/UmA9DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover
Library of Congress website, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; author of The secret miracle (2010) and Lost city radio; information provided by the publisher) http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy1102/2009028330-b.html
War by candlelight, 2005: title page (Daniel Alarcón) table of contents (two of his stores are Absence and City of clowns) https://www.amazon.com/War-Candlelight-Daniel-Alarcon/dp/0007196733?asin=0007196733&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
Confluenze (journal published by the Dipartamento di Lingue e Lettature of the Università di Bologna), vol. 3, no. 1, 2011: page 164, etc. (Daniel Alarcón; born 1977 in Lima, Peru; family moved to Alabama when he was three; author of the short story Ausencia (included in B 39 : antología de cuento latinoamericano) and the book Lost city radio; writes for The New Yorker; article is written in Spanish) https://issuu.com/literaturadefronteras/docs/tala__pamela.__imaginarios_de_la_mi
Library of Congress catalog, February 13, 2023: (Daniel Alarcón; his work República and Grau is included in Denominación de origen : Perú : antología de cuento (2014)) https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchArg=2016392844&searchCode=GKEY%5E*&searchType=0&recCount=25&sk=en_US
El código García, 2020: title page (Daniel Alarcón) page 9 (his essay ¿Qué llevó el expresidente de Perú a quitarse la vida? is a translation of his article Executive decision (The New Yorker, July 8-15, 2019; https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/07/08/what-led-perus-former-president-to-take-his-own-life)) page 171 (born 1977; host of Radio Ambulante)