- Nöstlinger, Christine
Nöstlinger, Christine (Nombre personal)
- Nëstlinger, Kristina
- Nötlinger, Christine
- Nestlinger, Kristine
- Nestlinker, Kristine
- Nestlinnker, Kristine
- Nesutoringã, Kurisutine
- Niestlinger, Kristinia
- Nöstlingerová, Christine
- Noesut'ullinggo, K'urisut'ine
- Noesut'uringgo, K'urisut'ine
- Nestlingere, Kristine
- Nustlingir, Kirstina
- クリスティーネ ·ネストリンガー
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Her Die Kinder aus dem Kinderkeller, c1971.
Her Luke and Angela, c1979: t.p. (Christine Nostlinger)
Ilʹza I︠A︡ndai chaḣordaḣsola, 1985: t.p. (Kristina Nëstlinger)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1936)
Wikipedia www site, 12 May 2006: (Christine Nöstlinger; b. 13 Oct. 1936, Vienna, Austria)
Deutsche Bibliothek www site, 12 May 2006: (hdg.: Nöstlinger, Christine; ref.: Nötlinger, Christine; Nestlinger, Kristine; Nëstlinger, Kristinë; Nestlinker, Kristine; Nestlinnker, Kristine; Nesutoringã, Kurisutine; Niestlinger, Kristinia; Nostlinger, Christine; Nöstlingerová, Christine; Noesut'ullinggo, K'urisut'ine; Noesut'uringgo, K'urisut'ine; Nestlingere, Kristine; Nustlingir, Kirstina)
Wkipedia, Nov. 3, 2014 (Christine Nöstlinger (born 13 October 1936) is an Austrian writer best known for children's books. She also writes for television, radio and newspapers.)
Washington post WWW site, viewed July 17, 2018 (Christine Nöstlinger, an Austrian children's writer, died June 28 [2018] in Vienna; she was 81; born in Vienna on Oct. 13, 1936)