- Boczkowski, Pablo J.
Boczkowski, Pablo J. (Nombre personal)
Boczkowski, Pablo J. Digitizing the news, 2004: CIP t.p. (Pablo J. Boczkowski)
The news gap, 2013: ECIP t.p. (Pablo Javier Boczkowski) data view (b. 9/24/1965; prof. and director of the Program in Media, Technology and Society, Northwestern Univ.; Argentinian citizen)
The international encyclopedia of political communication, 2016: page xi (Pablo J. Boczkowski, Northwestern University, USA)
Northwestern University School of Communication web site, May 30, 2019: (Pablo J. Boczkowski, Professor; Director, MS in Leadership for Creative Enterprises ; department: Communication Studies ; pjb9@northwestern.edu ; He earned his Ph.D. at Cornell University in 2001, and was on the faculty at MIT from 2001 until he joined Northwestern in 2005. His research program examines the dynamics of digital culture from a comparative perspective. ; Education: PhD Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University; MA Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University; Doctor, Psychology, University of Belgrano, Argentina; Licenciado (5-year undergraduate degree), Psychology, University of Buenos Aires) CV (Ph.D. 1997-2001; M.A. 1994-1997; Doctor 1990-1994; Licenciado 1985-1989) https://communication.northwestern.edu/faculty/PabloBoczkowski
To know is to compare, 2023: CIP title page ( ...Pablo J. Boczkowski) data view ( ...is Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University. He is Founder and Director of the Center for Latinx Digital Media at Northwestern, and Co-Founder and Co- Director of the Center for the Study of Media and Society in Argentina, a joint initiative between Northwestern and Universidad de San Andrés, in Buenos Aires)