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- Venturi, Franco
Venturi, Franco (Nombre personal)
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His Jeunesse de Diderot (1713-1753), 1939.
La lotta per la libertà, c1996: t.p. (Franco Venturi) cover p. 4 (b. 1914 in Rome, Italy; d. 1994 in Turin, Italy; prof. of modern hist. at the Univ. di Torino; director of the Rivista storica italiana)
L'Unita, vol. 31, Sep. 2002: commenti page (Franco Venturi is real name of Nicola Paruta)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1914)
Scitti sparsi, c2002 : t.p. (Franco Venturi), p. vii (d. Dec. 14, 1994)