- Lozano, Jorge
Lozano, Jorge (Lozano Hernández) (Nombre personal)
- Hernández, Jorge Lozano
- Lozano Hernández, Jorge
Formerly on undifferentiated record: n 79014098
Persuasión, 2012: t.p. (Jorge Lozano) back flap (semiologist; chair of Information Sciences at Univ. Comp. de Madrid; editor of Revista de Occidente
Website of Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Faculty listing, Mar. 30, 2016: (Hernandez, Jorge Lozano; chair of journalism at the Faculty of Information Sciences at Comp. Univ. of Madrid; wrote "Historical discourse" and several other books on history, cultural semiotics, fashion and communication. For six years, Jorge served as the director of the Spanish Academy in Rome and is a member of the editing board of the "Revista de Occidente". He is also the director of GESC (Group of Cultural Semiotics Study) in Madrid and member of numerous scientific committees)
His c.v., via WWW, viewed Oct. 24, 2017 (Prof. Jorge Lozano Hernández; Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Dpto. Periodismo III, Fac. de CC. de la Información; dr. in history; founder and director of the Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura (GESC); lines of research: information theory, semiotics of culture, semiotics of fashion; lists publications) http://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/630-2014-10-25-CV-Lozano_J.pdf