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  • Chiang, Ted

Chiang, Ted (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Chiang, Ted
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Chiang, Feng-nan
  • Jiang, Fengnan
  • 姜峯楠
  • צ׳יאנג, טד

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

His Stories of your life and others, 2002: CIP t.p. (Ted Chiang)

Exhalation, 2019: Jacket (Ted Chiang's fiction has won four Hugo, four Nebula and four Locus awards and has been featured in Best American Short Stories. He was born in Port Jefferson, New York, and currently lives near Seattle, Washington)

Wikipedia, March 12, 2020: (Ted Chiang (born 1967) is an American science fiction writer; education, Brown University (BS))

Ni yi sheng de yu yan, 2017: title page (姜峯楠 = Jiang Fengnan)

Goodreads WWW site, October 6, 2020: (Chiang Feng-nan [in rom.])