- Olstein, Diego Adrián
Olstein, Diego Adrián (Nombre personal)
- Holstein, Diego
La era mozárabe, 2006: t.p. (Diego Adrián Olstein)
His Thinking history globally, 2014: ECIP title page (Diego Olstein; associate professor and associate director of World History Center, University of Pittsburgh, USA) data view (Olstein, Diego; born March 24, 1970)
University of Pittsburgh website, August 26, 2014 (Diego Holstein; associate professor, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; PhD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002; email: holstein@pitt.edu; selected publications: Olstein, D. (2004), Globalization and Historical Writing since the "Global Village", Comparativ 14, no. 2; Olstein, D. (2006), Le molteplici origini della globalizzazione : un dibattito storiografico, Contemporanea 3; Olstein, D. (2006), The Arabic Origins of Romance Private Documents, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 17:4; Olstein, D. La era mozárabe : los mozárabes de Toledo (siglos XII y XIII) en la historiografía, las fuentes y la historia, 2006, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)