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  • Cavanagh, John,

Cavanagh, John, 1955- (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Cavanagh, John, 1955-
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Cavanagh, John, 1944-

Email from publisher in confirmation with author, July 7, 2008: (b. Aug. 20, 1955; author confirms he has written all titles that were erroneously listed under Cavanagh, John, 1944-)

Development redefined, c2008: ECIP t.p. (John Cavanagh)

Beyond Bretton Woods, 1994: CIP t.p. (John Cavanagh) data sheet (b. June 21, 1944)

Transnational Institute fellows Web site, May 27, 2004 (John Cavanagh; director, Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), Washington DC, since 1998; formerly an economist with UNCTAD and the WHO; BA from Dartmouth College and a MA from Princeton; lists selected works)

Clairmonte, F. The world in their web, 1981: t.p. (John Cavanagh) cover p. 4 (marketing spec.)

Trade's hidden costs, 1988: CIP t.p. verso (John Cavanagh, IPS) data sheet (b. 1955)